Barbara Steen CBT CambridgeCambridge

t: 07714 099 479


Cognitive Behaviour Therapist in Cambridge

I offer a range of Cognitive Behaviour Therapeutic services for adults, teenagers and young people in safe, confidential rooms conveniently located in Cambridge.

I have experience of working with many issues including..

  • depression,
  • the range of anxiety disorders,
  • eating disorders and
  • interpersonal difficulties
  • as well as living with a chronic physical health condition. 

I am registered with the British Association for Behavioural and Cognitive Psychotherapies. I am registered with the following insurance providers  AXA PPP AVIVA WPA and BUPA.

Find out more about short and long therapy for...

Contact me in confidence on t: 07714099479 or e: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view find out more about me and my services.


Websites for Therapists by : YouCan Consulting